Application of PSA pressure swing adsorption nitrogen generator in SMT welding
- Categories:Technical Support
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- Time of issue:2018-11-05 19:21
- Views:96
Application of PSA pressure swing adsorption nitrogen generator in SMT welding
(Summary description) In recent years, as the requirements for the quality of welding products have become higher and higher, and the country’s requirements for environmental protection have also become higher and higher, lead-free welding has been widely used and inert nitrogen welding has been popular in improving the quality of products. Favor. Although it takes a certain amount of money to purchase a nitrogen atmosphere, it is much lower than the environmental protection requirements and the repair cost due to welding defects. For this reason, the role of inert nitrogen atmosphere in SMT welding has attracted more and more attention, and will gradually be accepted and widely used by people. However, the cost of using nitrogen depends to a large extent on the flow rate, the number of operating hours, the structure of the reflow furnace and the production process, and the choice of nitrogen source is more important.
- Categories:Technical Support
- Author:
- Origin:
- Time of issue:2018-11-05 19:21
- Views:96
In recent years, as the requirements for the quality of welding products have become higher and higher, and the country’s requirements for environmental protection have also become higher and higher, lead-free welding has been widely used and inert nitrogen welding has been popular in improving the quality of products. Favor. Although it takes a certain amount of money to purchase a nitrogen atmosphere, it is much lower than the environmental protection requirements and the repair cost due to welding defects. For this reason, the role of inert nitrogen atmosphere in SMT welding has attracted more and more attention, and will gradually be accepted and widely used by people. However, the cost of using nitrogen depends to a large extent on the flow rate, the number of operating hours, the structure of the reflow furnace and the production process, and the choice of nitrogen source is more important.
1. There are two main sources of nitrogen: liquid canned nitrogen (cryogenic air separation), nitrogen generator is used to generate nitrogen ( extract nitrogen directly from the total air, non-cryogenic air separation ) .
Liquid canned nitrogen ( one ton of liquid nitrogen is equivalent to 799m3 of nitrogen under normal temperature and pressure , and the general loss is 5%) :
Gaseous nitrogen is produced by large-scale nitrogen production equipment, and then subjected to ultra-high pressure and ultra-low temperature treatment ( usually: 500Mpa , 1800C) to convert it into liquid nitrogen. We use gaseous nitrogen ( that is, input nitrogen into the equipment ) . Therefore, there must be a gasification process before using liquid nitrogen, which is achieved through a vaporizer: decompression and temperature rise. In general, the temperature of nitrogen can reach normal temperature after vaporization. Liquid nitrogen storage tanks need to be purchased or leased separately, which requires a large investment and high operating costs.
2. There are two types of nitrogen generators: membrane separation nitrogen generator, PSA nitrogen generator:
membrane separation nitrogen generator: the purity of the nitrogen produced can reach 99.9 % or the oxygen content < = 1000ppm , the advantage is: fast startup 2~3 Qualified nitrogen can be produced in minutes, which can be started and stopped at any time, the system is stable and reliable, the nitrogen purity fluctuates little, the maintenance amount is small, and the maintenance is simple;
Disadvantages: high investment and maintenance costs, and high energy consumption when entering the air.
PSA制氮机:采用碳分子筛(Carbor Molecule Sieve)为吸附剂,利用变压吸附(Pressure Swing Adsorbtion)工艺,直接生产出氮气纯度为99.99%或氧含量<=100ppm)的氮气充入设备。
優點: 可24小時連續運轉產出純度穩定的氮氣 , 無須專人看顧
l、单位时间的耗气量(通常以每小时多少立方米计算):不同品牌、不同型号的炉子耗气量不同,输入PCB的尺寸不同耗气量也不同,链条转动的速度不同耗气量也不一样,所以确切的耗气量要以现场实验为依据,富士康集团每台炉子的氮气使用量为 20m3/h
下面以一套纯度为99.99%,产气量为20m3/Hr 的氮气发生机用于一条SMT生产线,作出简要经济性分析与比较如下:
冷冻干燥机:冷冻干燥机的额定功率为1kw.。冷干机的电费总计为 1×8000×0.6=4800元。
设备折旧费:设备投资按Calculated at 200,000 yuan, the annual depreciation is 20,000 yuan.
The cost per cubic meter of nitrogen is (8.5+0.48+0.2+2)÷(20×8000)=0.7 yuan The
annual price difference between the two nitrogen methods is
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Dongguan Ruibang Nitrogen Purification Equipment Co., Ltd.
Professional industrial gas equipment manufacturing and supply company
Address:No. 5, Yayao Industrial Zone, Huaide, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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